Prof Evelyn Korn, *1969 in Bochum, Scientific Director
since 2004, she has held the professorship of Economics, in particular Microeconomics, at the Philipps-Universität Marburg. She has been Vice President for University Culture and Quality Development there since February 2022, before which she was Vice President for Studies and Teaching. She leads the Marburg projects on the Quality Pact for Teaching and the Quality Offensive for Teacher Education as well as the cooperation project “Digitally Supported Teaching and Learning in Hessen” and is also a member of the Standing Commission on Digitisation of the Rectors’ Conference.
She studied Mathematics at the TU Dortmund where she also received her doctorate in Economics. She completed her post-doctoral studies at the Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen and received the Venia Legendi for her work in the field of Business Administration. She is currently completing further training as a systemic organisational developer.
Evelyn Korn’s research deals with the enhancement of cooperative behaviour in various contexts – from the polity of ancient societies, the governance of companies and to the compatibility of the worlds of family and work.
She is passionate about the topic of cooperation, not only in research but also in its application. She is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board on Family Issues of the Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. Earlier in her academic career, she began developing innovative didactic concepts which see the seminar room as “Knowledge Commons” and for which she was awarded the Founders’ Association (Stifterverband) and the Rectors’ Conference Ars Legendi Prize for teaching excellence in higher education.