Acquiring efficient individual support for learning is a significant challenge for university students. However, providing individualised tutoring to each student by tutors is often not feasible. One promising solution to this problem could be embodied virtual tutors (eVTs). These virtual tutors are AI-powered virtual agents that can explain complex concepts, answer questions, monitor learning progress, and offer support to students. Moreover, eVTs can be personalised and trained on expert knowledge, making them valuable for student learning. The project aims to investigate the potential, acceptance, and effectiveness of eVTs for individualised student learning. For this, we implement an eVT by leveraging recent advancements in artificial intelligence (e.g. LLMs) and mixed reality engineering. We will conduct user studies to improve our prototype’s usability. Finally, we will conduct a study to test the acceptance of the virtual tutor. In the future, our system might be applied to other departments and teaching environments.
© 2025 Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre, Treuhandstiftung in Trägerschaft der Toepfer Stiftung gGmbH
© 2024 Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre,
Treuhandstiftung in Trägerschaft der Toepfer Stiftung gGmbH